
So, in conclusion it would seem that temperance was an issue for local Victorians including those identified in this piece of work:

Not having looked at the Edwardian scene to any great extent I venture not to say too much about the gradual decline of the temperance movement. However I quote Joan Parkin again : "During the first 40 years of temperance agitation per capita consumption of alcohol showed an actual increase and the movement was in decline when the most striking reduction in the level of drinking in England occurred - after the First World War". Concurrently, Lea's Temperance Hotel seems to have closed sometime between 1910 and 1923 when it was not listed in Kelly's Directory.

My voluntary agencies directory for 1995/96 only lists 5 national temperance organisations:

None of these are listed in modern directories for this area and Mullin claims that in 1998 Cheshire had only 3 names on the National Teetotallers Register; and they all lived in Stockport!

Many of the organisation listed in the voluntary organisations directory that deal with alcohol-related problems seem to be more concerned with cure rather than prevention. So perhaps in our modern technological society and affluent times, the horrible potential of drunkenness is less provocative, somewhat more obscure or, regrettably, more acceptable. Yet I know many residents of Runcorn still have cause to fear the delinquent and destructive behaviour of those who misuse alcohol today.

Ray Miller, writing in the Runcorn Weekly News, Thursday 27th November 2003 tells how the building of the Runcorn-Widnes Bridge brought about the closure to the DERBY ARMS in High Street in 1958. It appears the premises were originally owned by a Philip Whiteway! Could this be the J.P. that Bert Starkey wrote about?

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